Conceived and worked with editorial to enhance the FOB Nutrition section, building new pages where client products could be presented in an educational and informative way to the readership.
Developed areas throughout the magazine where we could focus on client sponsored athletes; their training, what they eat, the supplements they use. This provided an ideal platform to integrate specific supplements products into the editorial.
Hardcore Cover - created an "industry first" second cover premium position at the two-thirds point in the magazine. Working hand in hand with the editorial team, we produced a cover-to-cover experience by adding valuable content for the readership in the back of the book. This generated an additional premium position for clients whose hardcore marketing strategy fit with our new Hardcore environment.
Made the strategic decision to do a price change to the MuscleMag cover price in late 2009 – the results were $1.6 million of incremental newsstand revenues and $640,000 of net profit to the bottle line over a four year period.
Devised and executed interactive fan participation experiences at national USA trade shows. Directed the strategy, conception and design of all MuscleMag marketing and promotional materials, including t-shirts, booth banners, POS signage and fixtures.